August 22, 2017
4:30-5:00 – I will be talking with all incoming parents and students in the cafeteria (classrooms will not be open during this time)
5:00-6:00 – 6th grade schedule pick-up and head to classrooms to meet your teachers
6:00-7:00 – 7th and 8th grade schedule pick-up and meet your teachers
*HAC will have schedules posted on August 21st but do not include locker information (number and combo). You need to pick-up your printed schedule in the large gym if you want that information at Meet the Teacher night.
**PLEASE bring a copy of a CURRENT water bill for proof of residency.
​In addition to picking up schedules and meeting teachers, you can pick up school supply packs, order spirit wear, become a PTO member, and help us kick off our check-writing campaign. New this year: we will be offering "early bird hours" from 11 am - 1 pm. The schedules and teachers will not be available during this time, but you can get spirit wear, membership, and school supplies without the long lines.